Don’t use rodenticides inside your home or attic. If left inside your home a small child or pet may come into contact with it which could become dangerous. If placed in the attic it is less likely that a small child or pet will come into contact with it. But whether you place it in the attic or inside your home, you run the very likely risk of killing your rat or mouse but where will it die? Will the carcass be easily accessible for removal? When baits are used inside the home we oftentimes have to hunt the dead rodent down and then many times have to cut into a wall or cabinet, just to remove the dead carcass. If it’s in the attic we have to pull up the insulation to find it. This can become costly.
Of course giving up on looking for it and letting nature take it’s course is an option. If you go this route after the dead rat decomposes the odor of death will generally go away. But you have a serious sanitation problem going now. Who wants a dead rat in the attic, or in the wall voids, or worse under the kitchen cabinet?
For this reason we suggest to never use rodenticides inside your home. If a trap is used then we know right where the dead rat is! We place traps and make a note of where each trap was placed, this way we will find every dead rat because it will be in the trap. Remember, with rodenticides, it usually takes 2 or 3 feedings before the rat dies. Most rodenticides are an anticoagulant, meaning that the rodent has to bleed out internally. This takes time. During this process the rat will have time to move around and to get into inaccessible places.
This problem is very preventable by just using traps.